4 Habits That Will Help You Build a Successful and Productive Work-From-Home Routine


Two years post-pandemic, and working from home has become more normalized than ever before. More companies have offered flexible working conditions, allowing their employees to create a sanctuary of opportunity for their job in the comfort of their homes. People are not only happier and more relaxed, but productivity rates are at an all-time high.

Although this shift in space has been an easy transition for most workers, it has also become an intense adjustment period for others, as they find balance in sharing their homes with their families, loved ones, and roommates. Today we share three easy habits to adopt into your work-from-home routine that will help you seamlessly succeed throughout your day.

Man standing in front of his laptop in a standing desk. Small business website design by Up in a Day.

1. Create a designated workspace

Sure, sitting on the couch with your favorite blanket while prepping for that first zoom call in the morning allows you for a few extra minutes of rest and recovery, but does it encourage a productive start to your day? Setting up a desk explicitly assigned for work in front of a bright window and away from anything remotely distracting will help you focus and deliver quality work. 

Our tip: a standing desk works wonders in keeping a sharp mind and some energy flowing from brain to toe. It's also an excellent option for those suffering from back pain due to long sit times in front of the computer.

Have Breakfast. 4 habits to build a successful work from home routine. Small business website design by Up in a Day.

2. Have breakfast

This one seems like a no-brainer, but most of us aren't aware that the brain needs to burn calories to develop great pitches and ideas for work. And no, your morning coffee doesn't count. Our brains perform at their best when we feed them proteins and fats. 

Our tip: A full breakfast in the morning before preparing to take on a full day ahead will help you stay energized, but if you aren't the type to wake up ravaging, try a muffin, a cup of broth, or a smoothie to turn on your thinking cap. Your work will benefit from this, and your body will thank you.

Use aromatherapy for 4 habits to build a successful work from home routine. Small business website design by Up in a Day.

3. Aromatherapy, you read that right

Diffusers, candles, and room sprays work wonders in setting the mood of a room. So why not reach for their help when it comes to productivity? Scents made of citrus, peppermint, rosemary, or eucalyptus help wake up the senses, improve memory and cognitive tasks. 

Our tip: Some great places to shop for clean scents for your workspace are Whole Foods and Saje Wellness. We also appreciate supporting local, small businesses that sell their small batches of scented candles and incense.

Go for a walk 4 habits to build a successful work from home routine. Small Business Website Design by Up in a Day.

4. Give yourself a break.

Seriously! We've said it before, and like always, we saved the best for last. It is necessary to give yourself short breaks throughout your day to avoid mid-day or afternoon brain crashes. 

Our tip:

  • Go for a ten-minute walk outside with your dog or a friend who is also WFH.

  • Take a short dance break to your favorite songs to release any negative energy.

  • Read a few pages of a book that you've been trying to finish.

And yes, mindless scrolling for a few minutes on IG or Tik Tok is also allowed. No judgment here.

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Stay well,

Your friends and Marketing Team at Up in a Day™


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