Why You'll Never Be Ready To Get Your Website Up and What To Do About It


“You’ll never be ready to get your website up” - Lindy Nowak

Lindy shares why you'll never be ready to get your website up and what to do about it. 

You’ll learn the importance of having a well-designed website that is clear, easy to understand, and strategically built for marketing and sales purposes. 


Lindy also advises on:

  1. Moving away from relying solely on social media platforms and focusing on creating websites that convert visitors into customers. 

  2. Need for a concise and impactful copy that quickly grabs the attention of skim readers and establishes a connection with visitors. 

Finally, she encourages all business owners to be more strategic in their approach to web design and to move away from the traditional method of simply listing all their services and credentials. 


Building Better Websites for Small Businesses


Why Having a Well Designed Website is Crucial for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.