How the Internet Impacts Our Environment, and What To Do About It, Starting With Your Website

Photo of the world from space, desktop home computers, and wiring for servers. Small Business Website Design by Up in a Day.

As we adopt more environmentally friendly practices in our daily lives, it is important not to forget that being eco-friendly doesn't stop inside the home. The future is digital, and with the help of new rising technology, we have been able to hack different areas of our lives, from ordering groceries, booking appointments, connecting with old friends, and so much more.

The average American spends about 23 hours of their week online managing their lives through the internet. Information from states that the carbon footprint of our digital gadgets, websites, internet use, and systems count for 3.7% of global greenhouse emissions. A survey performed in 2021 on states that the united states had over 302 million active internet users, coming in behind China and India as the countries with the most users online.

With that said, we feel that it is our responsibility as digital marketing experts to encourage and show you how to build a thriving and sustainable online empire, starting with these 3 simple tips.

1. Keep your SEO eco-friendly.

The better your search engine optimization, the faster your customers can reach your site, and the less time they will spend on loading sites that don't deliver what they're looking to find—a simple but accurate way to reduce your customer's carbon footprint.

2. Energy doesn't lie.

2% of global carbon emissions come from the energy used by the internet. To conserve energy, compress downloadable files on your website to reduce download power. Content on your site is just as important. Keep it simple and showcase only what is necessary to deliver your brand message, including information and design to relieve the energy drain.

3. Go green, online.

Use a search engine hat gives back to the planet. We love using because they use a portion of profits generated from search ads to plant trees. In our opinion, it doesn’t get greener than that.

There are so many ways to optimize your website for energy conservation. As equal lovers of nature and the digital world, we are here to help you create a website that fits your customers' needs while also having a positive impact on our environment. For more information, schedule a consultation with us. We hope you have a happy holiday and a green new year ahead.


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